Warming Homes, Warming Hearts
Israeli Electric Company

In Partnership with
The Israel Electric Corporation

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Featured Profile

Mr. Yoram Hauser is the owner of Tzoref Appliances Inc. located in the heart of meah shearim in Israel. Yoram, has been running the business for the past 25 years. He takes great pride in supplying Warm the Needy with heaters...

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Did you know?

  • One in three children in Israel go to sleep cold at night.
  • Thousands of children in Israel get chronicaly ill each winter due to lack of adequate heating.
  • Warm the Needy helped over 1,000 families in 2006.

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Yosef Cohen, Father of ten children

Yosef Cohen, is a father of ten children. Trying to make ends meet, and at the same time avoid humiliation, he rises at three o'clock in the morning to clean out the study hall. Understandably, there is nothing extra in the house, many times, not even enough.

One cold, blustery day, little Eitan was shivering on his hard chair in the freezing kitchen. He was chilled to the bone and there was nothing to warm him. Having no choice, he hoisted himself onto the counter and started running the hot water, hoping to bring some relief to his numb fingers. Unfortunately, he underestimated the heat of the water and burned himself badly.

That was enough to prompt the parents to look for help. They concluded that heat was a necessity, not a luxury, and they turned to Warm the Needy for help. They were immediately supplied with a radiator that brought joy and warmth to their home. Knowing their precarious financial situation, Warm the Needy also provided assistance in paying their electric bill. There are no luxuries, but the Cohen family is warm.

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More Profiles:

The Berger Family

The Eliyahu family

Debra Schwartz, Mother of three

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